Page 10 - CAE Healthcare Catalog 2015

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The Lucina simulator delivers exceptional reliability and fidelity for the practice of normal to rare
childbirth scenarios and non-gravid patient emergency care. Built on CAE’s powerful Fidelis platform,
Lucina has validated and integrated physiology that responds automatically to clinical interventions.
CAE Fidelis Lucina
Unrivaled realismand versatility for childbirth and female patient scenarios
The Way Healthcare Learns
“We developed this simulator to achieve a level of realism that had not been seen before.”
Advanced birthing mechanism is
reliable, stable and the quietest on
the market
Realistic fetal landmarks and
anatomically correct pelvis allow
learners to identify fetal
presentation, recognize stages of
labor and practice normal, breech
and emergency deliveries
The only birthing simulator that
comes with static cervices for
prepartum assessment
Post-partum hemorrhage reservoir
holds 1.8 liters of blood for practice
of a wider range of scenarios,
including Class III hemorrhage
Detects and logs uterine massage
and bimanual compression to treat
uterine atony, and allows for boggy
or contracted uterus
Baby cries upon delivery and deliv-
ers one-minute/five-minute APGAR
predictions based upon central and
venous blood gas values
Placental extraction with a safe
level of traction for delivery
Advanced CPR performance
analysis measures the quality
and depth of chest compressions,
ventilation rate and volume,
cardiac output and more
The only simulator that supports
full maternal code as a gravid or
non-gravid patient
The most complete training
method for shoulder dystocia
management. Detects and
responds to all obstetric maneuvers
Observable pelvic tilt for practice of
the McRoberts maneuver
Full articulation of waist and hips to
support multiple birthing positions
Optional inverted uterus w/scenario