Page 24 - CAE Healthcare Catalog 2015

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The Way Healthcare Learns
Operate your patient simulator with ease
Operating a patient simulator is quick, easy and intuitive with Müse. With three levels of control of CAE Healthcare’s modeled
physiology, Müse allows instructors to run scenarios, modify patient parameters or operate the simulator on-the-fly. Enjoy the
freedomand versatility to write and edit scenarios away from the simulation labwith four additional licenses for any Mac or PC.
Scenarios automatically load as part of the SCE. Scenario states
and progression can be controlled directly from the run screen.
Patient status display can be customized
to show vital signs, cardiac output,
respiratory status and more, including
, ECG and capnogram.
Parameter controls allow you to operate
on-the-fly by adjusting model parameters
and using overrides.
Recent event logs on the run screen keep
you updated, while complete event and
physiological data are logged in the SCE
Simulated Clinical Experiences (SCEs) bundle ready-to-go
patient, scenarios, educational content and setup preferences
to automatically load together when you run an SCE.
Upload images of patient records, lab reports, X-rays
and audio and video files to view during simulations for
enhanced realism.
New Event Recorder
button allows users
to save parameter
settings for use later in
building scenarios.