Page 40 - CAE Healthcare Catalog 2015

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The breast biopsy model allows users to develop the imaging and proce-
dural skills needed to perform ultrasound-guided fine needle biopsy. The
patented SimulexUS™ tissue is extremely durable for repeated practice of
needle procedures. Developed for use with real ultrasound systems, the
model images like a real tissue with exceptional image quality.
Models self-seal and will not decompose or dehydrate over time
Contains a variety of masses that are hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and echo-
lucent allowing users to gain experience utilizing a wide range of lesions
14 masses of varying sizes (4mm to 11mm) allow users to develop their skills
starting with larger lesions and target smaller masses as their skills progress
Masses present in both the central breast tissue as well as the Tail of Spence
Fluid can be injected into themodel to verify needle tip location (automati-
cally expelled)
Elastography Ultrasound Breast Exam trainer also available
The transvaginal ultrasound training phantom offers users an excellent
training platform for learning endovaginal ultrasound procedures
using their own ultrasound systems. Practice image acquisition,
interpretation, and the psychomotor skills necessary to perform
transvaginal ultrasound exams while learning to identify normal pelvic
structures and pathologies.
Accurately mimics the feel and imaging characteristics of an actual
endovaginal ultrasound exam
Train where you want, when you want without risks associated with
using live patients
Excellent for validating clinical competency
Breast Biopsy Ultrasound Training Model
Transvaginal Ultrasound Training Model
“We have three endovaginal phantoms, all with different findings. The first
benefit that we see for our students is just taking the fear away fromdoing this
procedure. Since the image orientation is different when performing endovagi-
nal sonograms, the use of the phantoms initially is not only beneficial for the
students, but also the patients.”
Charlotte Henningsen, MS, RT(R), RDMS, RVT, FSDMS
Chair & Professor - Sonography Department
Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences
The Way Healthcare Learns