Page 44 - CAE Healthcare Catalog 2015

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Realistic tactile and physiological feedback for gastrointestinal and
bronchial endoscopy
With realistic haptic technology, EndoVR allows learners to“get a feel”for bothgastrointestinal and bronchial assessment.
The system exposes learners to a wide range of anatomies and pathologies so they can quickly increase confidence
and comfort. EndoVR supports three learning environments on one platform, including bronchoscopic, upper
gastrointestinal tract (GI) and lower gastrointestinal tract (GI) procedures. Faculty can upload their own multimedia
didactic content and learners are debriefed after each case with evidence-based performancemetrics.
Bronchoscopy Package
GI Package
The Way Healthcare Learns
“The design of these surgical
simulators has impressively
succeeded in expressing robustness,
simplicity and durability.”
2013 Red Dot Design Award Jury