Page 6 - CAE Healthcare Catalog 2015

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As medical technology advances, CAE Healthcare is committed to delivering
relevant training solutions for today’s healthcare environments. Our commitment
to quality, innovation and world-class service inspire loyalty and a sense of
shared purpose.
The CAE Healthcare manufacturing plant
in Sarasota, USA is a Six Sigma and lean
manufacturing facility where employees
are dedicated to quality, product innova-
tion and world-class service.
The Way Healthcare Learns
Engineering solutions for today’s medical
education and training environment
CAE Healthcare employs the world’s finest modellers
of human physiology and an experienced core of
medical simulation engineers. With the added re-
source of more than 2,000 engineers within CAE, we
offer an unrivaled depth of engineering expertise.
From streamlining electronics circuit design to hu-
man factors engineering, we are dedicated to ad-
vancing simulation technology and accelerating the
pace of product innovation.
We are also committed to operational excel-
lence. To ensure that we deliver the highest quality
products and user experiences, we have adopted
Six Sigma and Lean Management practices in our
manufacturing plant, a 100-point Acceptance Test
Procedure (ATP) before product delivery, and a goal
to achieve ISO 9001 compliance by 2015.
Our customer service principles are simple:
reliability, responsiveness and rapid resolution.
With customers in more than 100 countries, we
employ regionally based technicians worldwide for
improved accessibility, personal service and faster
response times.