Page 8 - CAE Healthcare Catalog 2015

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The Way Healthcare Learns
Setting the standard with state-of-the-art,
modeled physiology
Ever since the introduction of CAE Healthcare’s first
patient simulator, theHPS, our patient simulation line
has set the standard for realism, accuracy and life-
like physiology.
CAE Healthcare delivers sophisticated physio-
logical models that adapt to interventions based on
thepatient’s age, weight, underlyinghealth conditions,
and the accuracy of diagnosis and treatment.
For example, a patient’s blood pressure might be
lowdue to hypovolemia or vasodilation. Inboth cases,
fluid infusion or the administration of a vasocon-
strictor drug will raise blood pressure, but the effect
on cardiac output, pulmonary gas exchange and
tissue oxygenation will be markedly different.
CAEHealthcarepatient simulators respond automatically
and accurately based on validated physiology.
All of CAE Healthcare’s patient simulators are built
upon that base of modeled physiology—the most
accurate and advanced physiology available today.
That’s why our patient simulators are used at leading
medical institutions around the globe, and why they
are the training products of choicewithin high-stakes,
mission-critical environments.
CAE Healthcare’s patient simulators accurately mimic human cardiovascular,
respiratory andneurological systems, and they automatically generate physiological
responses. This allows learners and interprofessional teams to suspenddisbelief and
develop teamwork, communication and higher level critical thinking skills.
CAE Healthcare patient simulators rise to meet today’s healthcare
training challenges, from emergency medical training and
nurse on-boarding to professional certification and competency
assessment for physicians.
Patient Simulation